Connecting Creators
and Fans together.

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For Fans

Chat with Creators

Participate in exclusive chat rooms created by your favorite creators

Exclusive content

Creators might share exclusive and unique content only with the people in the chat room

Support your favorite creators

By joining chat rooms created by the creators, you are also supporting their growth

Meet new people

Chat with people that are also fans of the same creators as you

For Creators

Create an exclusive communication channel between you and your loyal fans.
Generate Extra Revenue
You can create chat rooms charging a monthly subscription fee from your subscribers.
0% platform fee!
For the initial three months, there will be no platform fees deducted from your earnings.
Secure payments
FanTalks partnered with Stripe to secure and control all payment settings, so you won't need to worry about it
Charge in your currency
Create your rooms charging a monthly fee from your fans in your own currency.
Unique content
You can use your chat rooms to share unique and exclusive content only to your loyal fan base
More control
You can control who and when users will be able to send messages in your chat rooms.

Steps to creators sign in

The steps below describe the process for creators to sign in and create SuperTalk rooms at FanTalks

Sign In to FanTalks

Create your account and verify your profile

Setup your payment profile

Complete your payment profile within Stripe platform

Create SuperTalk rooms

SuperTalk rooms are chat rooms where you can charge (or not) a monthly fee from your users

Invite your Fans

Invite your fan base to join your SuperTalk room and get paid!

Unlock Your Potential with FanTalks

As a content creator, you have the potential to reach a vast audience and connect with people from all over the world. At FanTalks, we are dedicated to helping you do just that. Our platform provides you with the tools and support you need to grow your following, connect with your fans, and build a successful career as an influencer.

For the first three months, we are offering a 0% platform fee, allowing you to maximize your earnings and grow your following without any platform costs (conversion rate fees will still apply for non-USD transactions). After that period, a 20% fee will be deducted from each transaction, which helps to maintain and improve the platform. FanTalks allows creators and influencers to unlock their potential and take their careers to the next level. Sign up now and take advantage of our tax-free trial period. Start connecting with your fans and building a successful future as an influencer.

Generate more with less

You don't need millions of followers in order to generate extra income with your social networks. Take a look in our FAQ page to see the potential winnings you might have with FanTalks. Get the App
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